Spring is in the Stickmaking air !

Yes indeed , this is a busy time of year for the Celtic Stickmakers Club . Already this year we have had a very successful workshop in the Scout Hall in Togher in Cork which was well attended and proved to be very enjoyable for everyone . Our thanks goes to our colleague Martin Thompson who organised the venue and , with his Scouting friends ,” fed and watered ” us in style ! On Saturday next , the 26th of February 2011 we will be holding a workshop in the Scout Hall in Abbeyside , Dungarvan , Co. Waterford commencing at 11:00am . Again , all are welcome whether you are a member or not . Bring a stick or the makings of a stick and find out more about this enjoyable craft in a very easy going atmosphere . It’s amazing what you can learn from each other and have a laugh at the same time ! Our thanks again to Martin for helping to secure the venue .
Then on Saturday the 5th of March 2011 we head back to Cork , this time to the home of our colleague Paddy Rahilly in Newmarket ,Co. Cork , where we will hold a workshop also commencing at 11:00 am . This is a workshop that is always both informative and great fun and if you are in the area at the time , do drop in , you’re guaranteed to learn something about stickmaking !Our colleague John O’ Gorman will be in attendance at these venues with a host of stickmaking materials for all your needs .
We also hope to have a demonstration on stickmaking in the Midlands in the near future , but dates have to be arranged ; I will keep you posted . In May of this year we have been invited to participate in the Irish Forestry , Woodland and Bio Energy Show in the grounds of Birr Castle . This is a celebration of all things to do with forestry , woodland and timber , and is being held on the 6th, 7th , and 8th of May 2011 ,an ideal hangout for all lovers of sticks and stickmaking ! So as you can see Spring is a busy time for the Celtic Stickmakers ! If we can offer you any advice on any aspect of Stickmaking do not hesitate to contact us ; someone always has a solution to the trickiest problems ! So till the next time , keep ’em straight! Robin O’ Reilly Hon’ Sec ‘ Celtic Stickmakers Club