Greetings to all our Fellow Stickmakers wherever you may be ! We are coming to the end of a very eventful year for the Celtic Stickmakers Club culminating in the Open competition which we held at the Game Fair at Birr Castle in August . The results are proof enough that our members are slowly but surely bringing the standard of stickmaking in the South up to the standard of our friends and colleagues up North ! Well done to all .
Our A.G.M. will take place on Sunday the 30th of October 2011 at 2:00pm in O’ Loughlins Hotel , Main Street , Portlaoise, Co. Laois . The agenda will comprise of the following ; Chairmans’ report , Treasurers report , and Secretaries report , followed by the election of officers and any other business . All are welcome and as always new members are also welcome . We will be preparing to organise work shops for the coming Winter and Spring and we intend to advertise these on our website . Stickmaking is by nature a craft suited to this time of year ,i.e.cutting sticks and huddling around the stove in your workshop on long Winter nights creating works of art -and avoiding hypothermia !! So enjoy !
Robin O’ Reilly , Hon’ Sec’ Celtic Stickmakers Club