Greetings fellow stickmakers , whether beginner or veteran , we wish you a happy and prosperous new year . We are pleased to announce that we have two workshops planned , and these will take place over the next few weeks .
Our first workshop will take place in the Carpentry Store , Unit D4 Newhall, M7 Business Park, Co. Kildare ,W91XH68 on Saturday the 15th of February 2025 . This workshop will commence at 10:00am and end at 2:00pm . A €5.00 entrance fee will be applied on the day , and tea and coffee will be provided . The Carpentry Store is an excellent venue for demonstrating any craft , and their workshop upstairs is laid out in such a way as to make it easy for viewers to see what the craftsperson is doing ,and downstairs one can purchase tools, materials , timber , etc to pursue ones craft !
We will cover all aspects of the craft of stickmaking at this event and our stickmakers will be happy to answer any questions and offer advice on the craft on the day . If you have a stick , please bring it along to the event as we will have a display of sticks on the day . As always we aim to promote our craft and members and non members are are encouraged to bring sticks to the workshop on the day . Some people may feel their work is not worthy to be displayed , but our belief is all sticks are welcome and we are here to help and the only criticism we offer is of the constructive sort !
We look forward to seeing you there !
Our next workshop is on Saturday the 1st of March in Tom Kavanaghs’ workshop in Clonsast, Rathangan, Co Kildare , R51X298 . This workshop always proves very popular and informative and again will cover all aspects of stickmaking relevant to novices and experienced stickmakers alike . Again , bring a stick along , the more the merrier ! Again , we have a cover charge of €5.00 on the day and tea and coffee will be provided . We look forward to seeing you there .
Don’t forget , this is probably the best time of the year to cut sticks for stickmaking as the sap is at its’ lowest and the weather not conducive yet for growth , and make sure you have permission before cutting sticks anywhere ! Cut ones as straight as you can find and save yourself a lot of time and effort . you will be glad in twelve months !