- Work day at Tom Kavanagh
- Ian James Dafydd Davies Gordan Flintoft Andrew Jones with members of the Celtic Stickmaker clubs
- John Dowling Gordan Flintoft Tom Kavanagh at the Cross Hands Stick show
- Dafydd Davies Sean Mc Cormack Andrew Jones at the Cross Hands Stick show
- Sean Mc Cormack Champion Novice stick maker at the Cross Hands Stick show
- Pat O’ Sullivan with carved fox head & rabbit
- Tom O’ Mahoney demonstrating at John O’ Gorman work day
- Robin O’ Reilly demonstrating at John O’ Gorman work day
- Martin Thompson demonstrating @ John O’ Gorman work day
- Tom Kavanagh demonstrating @ John O’ Gorman work day
- Martin Thompson demonstrating @ John O’Gorman work day
- Work day @ John O’Gorman
- John Daly demonstrating at Tom Kavanagh workday
- Celticstickmakers at the Cork agriculture show
- Members of Celticstickmakers Club demonstrating at the Cork agriculture show
- Members of the Celticstickmakers club Cork branch
- Robin o’ Reilly demonstrating at Tom Kavanagh workday
- David Walsh demonstrating at Tom Kavanagh workday
- Tom Kavanagh Dan Moran John Dowling at the Irish National Sheep Dog Trials 2015
- Ian James with members of the Celtic Stickmakers Club at the Welsh Game Fair 2015
- John Daly Best in Show and Reserve Best in Show with Martin Hyslop Judge at the Country Sports Fair Scarvagh
- John Dowling Robert Upton Frank Hennigar Eddie Roche David Walsh Tom Kavanagh at the Welsh Game Fair 2015
- Olivor Simpson Judge Robin O’ Reilly at Birr Game Fair 2015
- Albert Titterington Presenting the John Mc Clelland Memorial Throphy to John Lutton Irish Stickmaking Champion 2015
- John Lutton Irish Stickmaking Champion 2015 Olivor Simpson Judge Hugh Stuart Reserve Champion
- Olivor Simpson Judge at the Irish Stickmaking Championship 2015
- Robin O’ Reilly Tom O’ Mahony Tom Kavanagh Olivor Simpson Judge Tom Bourk
- Tom Bourk, Robin O’ Reilly, Barry Sheard, Tom O’ Mahony @ the scouts hall Bunting Road
- Eddie Murphy @ the scouts hall Bunting Road
- Roger Hanna, Robin O’ Reilly @ the scouts hall Bunting Road
- Roger Hanna demonstrating @ the scouts hall Bunting Road
- Roger Hanna demonstrating @ the scouts hall Bunting Road
- Hugh Stuart, John , Daly, John Lutton, Tom Bourk, @ the scouts hall Bunting Road
- Mark Brennan, Hugh Gillen,@ the scouts hall Bunting Road
- Eddie Murphy, John Daly, John Lutton, Tony Cobbe, @ the scouts hall Bunting Road
- Hugh Gillen, Mark Brennan, Stephen Coffey, Hugh Stuart, @ the scouts hall Bunting Road
- Mark Brennan, Hugh Stuart, Hugh Gillen, @ the scouts hall Bunting Road
- Stephen Coffey demonstrating @ the scouts hall Bunting Road
- John Lutton, Mary Coffey, John Dowling, @ the scouts hall Bunting Road
- Ian James demonstrating @ Tom Kavanagh’s workday
- Bunting road 2014
- Roger Hanna,John Lutton, Robin O’ Reilly @ Bunting road
- John Daly, John Dowling, Tom Kavanagh @ the Welsh game fair 2014
- Liz Mc Craken presenting the John Mc Clelland memorial throphy to Tom Kavanagh Irish stickmaking champion 2014 John Lutton judge
- Mark Brennan reserve champion 2014 judge John Lutton
- Margaret Lawton presenting the Philip Lawton memorial throphy for best carved stick to Roger Hanna 2014 judge John Lutton
- Workday @Tom Kavanagh’s
- Friend’s from NI stick carvers @ Tom Kavanagh;s workday
- Ian James demonstrating @ Tom Kavanagh workday
- Ian James demonstrating @ Lough Scouts Hall Cork
- Lough Scouts Hall 2014
- Pat O’ Sullivan presenting Ian James with carving knife Lough Scouts Hall Cork
- David Walsh demonstrating @ the Manshed workday Portlaoise
- Robin O ‘ Reilly demonstrating @ the Manshed Portlaoise
- John Daly demonsterating @ the Manshed Portlaoise
- John Dowling judge @ the novice competition in Lough Scouts Hall Cork
- Tom Kavanagh presenting the throphy for best in show to Joe Sheehan in the Lough Scouts Hall Cork 2014